Thursday, June 21, 2012

3- Adjective


After past participle has been studied, we firstly understand we are going to study Adjective useful in the world and unbelievable because it has never taught , studied and explained by everyone.

3-Adjective  placed in Subject position
Only Active / Voice

Firstly write one sentence down as you wish with Adjective on the paper and then it must be continuously thought what can be done.

Example-1       Composition is useful in the world.

We can think what composition can be done into the next sentence.

Example-         Composition must be studied by all.

When we combine these two sentence, we should make one predicate to be Adjective {is useful- useful}

Useful in the world, composition must be studied by all.

Note- If we study Adjective placed in Subject, we can make it Sentence Transfer and Subject Metaphor.
Sentence Transfer- Composition must be studied by all, useful in the world.
Subject Metaphor- Composition, useful in the world,must be studied by all.

Example-2       The person is honest.

Think about the person what can be or can be done and we understand that the person who is honest is trusted by everyone and so the person is trusted by all.

Example-         The person is trusted by all.

When we combined these two sentence,we have to make one predicate change to be Adjective.  {is-honest, honest}

Honest, the person is trusted by all.
Sentence Transfer- The preson is trusted by all, honest.
Subject Metaphor- The person, honest , is trusted by all.
Having only one predicate {is trusted} called Simple Sentence.

Example-3       Something is beautiful.

What we have to think is about something what can be or can be done.

Example-         Something is interested.

We have to make one predicate change to be Adjective.{ is beautiful- beautiful}

Beautiful, something is interested.
Sentence Transfer- Something is interested, beautiful.
Subject Metaphor- Something, beautiful, is liked.


*Using Sentence Transfer and Subject Metaphor, combine these sentence given below.

1          1-      *She is always faithful to her husband.
      *She is very loved by him.
2-   *I am very hungry.
      *I am looking for something to eat.
3-   *This problem is difficult.
      *This problem can not be solved.

*Separate these sentences combined below, trying so hard.

1         1-      *Very helpful to do housework, my sister is very loved by all.
2         2-      *Very kind to me , she can not be forgotten in my life.
3         3-      *Skillful,you should explain about that.

Creating simple sentence with your great idea, you have to write at least three sentences combined, using sentence transfer and subject metaphor.

3-Adjective placed in Object Position
Active / Voice

After you understand about Adjective placed in Subject, we will study object position and so one sentence you like must be written down up to object position after that it has to be thought what can do with Adjective.

Example-1       I want something.

You have to think that something can be in order to combine into the next sentence.

Example-         Something is beautiful.

Showing your idea to something which can be with Adjective and write it down and then make one predicate {is beautiful} to be Adjective {beautiful} after that they can be combined as below...

I want something beautiful.

Having only one predicate {want} called Simple Sentence
Object Metaphor- I want something beautiful.

Example-2       I want to see  you again.

What you have to think is why you are wanted to see again, For what? Why?  Remember you can do many kinds of things with Adjective but choose the one you like most.

Example-         You are very kind to me.

When combining these two sentences written above, they will be as below...

I want to see you again very kind to me.
Having only one predicate {want to see} called Simple Sentence
Object Metaphor- I want to see you again very kind to me. 

Example-3       I find it .

Understanding what it can be with Adjective, write one sentence down and then combine both of them.

Example-         It is amazing.

We can see as below when we combine them.

I find it amazing.
Having only one predicate {find} called Simple Sentence
Object Metaphor- I find it amazing.


*Combine each of the following pairs of sentence, making special effort.

1          1-      *I want to tell you something.
             *Something is interesting.
      2-   *She wants to go somewhere.
            *Somewhere is different.
      3-   *I like the person.
            *The person is honest.

*Separate these sentences combined below, doing your best.

1        1-      He declares this bridge open.
2        2-      I do not want to hear anything wrong.
3        3-      I want to say something important.

*You have to write at least three sentences combined, doing  your best.

3-Adjective placed in Preposition Object Position
Active / Voice

Firstly, you should write one sentence down up to preposition object and then you have to think what it can be next action.

Example-1       I am looking for someone.
What you have to think exactly is about something who can does next action or why you are looking for? For what?

Example-         Someone is reliable at work.

When they are combined, we can see them as below...

I am looking for someone reliable at work.
Having only one predicate { am looking} called Simple Sentence
Preposition Object Metaphor- I am looking for someone reliable at work.

Example-2      I want to talk about something.

What we have to think is what something will be.

Example-         Something is amazing.

When we combine, they can be seen as below.

I want to talk about something amazing.
Having only one predicate {want to talk} called Simple Sentence,
Preposition Object Metaphor- I want to talk about something amazing.

Example-3       I am really proud of you.

Think about you why I am really proud of . why? You do something nice?

Example-         You are successful.

When they are combined, they can be seen as below.

I am really proud of you successful.
Having only one predicate {am really proud} called Simple Sentence
Preposition Object Metaphor- I am really proud of you successful.


 *Combine each of the following pairs of sentence, doing your best.

1          1-      *The stars are beautiful.
             *We are looking at the stars.
      2-   *I am waiting for her.
            *She is late.
      3-   *I do not want to listen to you any more.
            *You are selfish.

*Separate these sentences combined below, trying your best.

1        1-      *I would like to talk about something different.
2        2-      *She is always gazing at him good-looking.
3        3-      *I saw it with my own eyes wide.

*Create three simple sentences placed in Preposition Object, showing the ability of you.

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